Dear Parents:

In view of the increase in cases of COVID-19, the school specially hired A.I.SHIELD professional cleaning company in August 2022 to sterilize and coat all parts of the school. The A.I.SHIELD antimicrobial coating effectively sterilizes all surfaces for up to 12 months.

In addition, the school will further strengthen the cleaning and disinfection work to ensure that students can safely carry out various learning activities in the school.

The school takes students’ health as the primary consideration, parents are advised to pay attention to their child’s health. If they have symptoms, especially a fever, they should not go to school and seek medical attention immediately. We are mindful of the rapidly changing nature of the COVID-19 pandemicand schools will keep in view the latest developments. Parents should pay close attention to any new announcements from our school as well as the EDB. Fight the virus together!

Thank you for your attention.

Anchors Kindergarten & International Nursery